A downloadable mod

2 custom character version for me..and you mb.


Passive: 6 max HP, less ammo in pickup and x2 reload time

if hp more 1, every level consume 1 hp for 1 defence orbital. orb destroy projectiles on contact. 6 orb max

Active:  shot in right weapon to nearest enemy

Throne butt: add 1 random shot to active

Ultra A: remove all race passive and gain 1 max HP per portal

Ultra B: max 9 orb, gain 3 orb per portal and heal you for each orb

Ultra C: Heal and -1 max HP if you HP 0

Ursa NEON:

Passive: 6 max HP, less ammo in pickup and x2 reload time

every level consume ALL "access" hp for defence orbital. orb destroy projectiles on contact. orb max = you max hp

Active:  shot in right weapon to nearest enemy

Throne butt: add 1 random shot to active

Ultra A: remove all race passive and if press "B" consume 1 hp for 1 defence orbita

Ultra B: orb max x2 . create 2 orbs for 1 hp

Ultra C: Heal and -1 max HP if you HP 0

I used melting for base and code from another mods:



Play style looks like Y.V + Steroid active stack, but normal DPS. In practice characters weaker than normal in attack and more defence oriented.  Bug: blood hammer don't consume hp on active


URSA.zip 34 kB
URSANEON.zip 34 kB

Install instructions

Need NTT. Unpack files in "mods" directory. In game use command /loadrace ur (or urn)

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